Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post #6

Response to "The Networked Student" by Wendy Drexler:

First of all I thought this video was one of the coolest that we have seen thus far this semester. To answer the question of whether I am ready to teach a networking student? Well... I am not entirely sure. Since I am a student now and I consider myself to be somewhat computer savvy I can easily teach these networking students.

Being a music education major I feel that we (music majors) can be considered more networking students' than most students of other majors. I say this because we use use technology to complete many of our assignments. When the video says that the students uses social networks to "connect with other people to strengthen the learning process." Well I recently had a first hand experience of this. After a guest artist came to perform at USA. After the concert I was talking to one of the band members and we are now talking through email and facebook. He has helped me enter a whole new world of art and music and maybe one day a potential employer.

I also already use many types of search engines when completely my personal assignments. My fellow classmates do not go to the extent as to share our links with one another, but we do talk about the the things we do find. We also use itunes and other forms of media other than audio in my classes just like the 21st century student.

The video does explain many interesting ways that students can use technology, but in many different ways we are already living in this age. People need to wake up and realize that the future really is now and that is not just a saying. It is really easy to do all of this if one knows what they are doing with the computer. There aren't very many courses at South that work quite like this students' class, but teachers need to begin setting their curriculum around technology because it how the world works these days.

Response to "Welcome to My PLE"

One thing that I realize is that when the students mentioned having the 'freedom' to do the assignments through the internet. So does this student mean that they enjoy doing their homework since they have the freedom to conduct their research online and many interesting methods to gather facts. I feel that whether it is a 7th grader or a college student there really is not that much of a difference in their PLE. At least for me personally it is much of the same as the student discussed in the video.

Blog Post #6

Response to "The Machine is Changing Us"

There really is rapid change happening. For example, look on tv and you find more and more shows that give people self-fulfillment and the new media is changing us in many ways. We are getting bored or "meh" with the now and we are using youtube and facebook to change everything around us. I really have never thought about how much youtube and these other outlets have changed how we view and receive things. Especially i.e. choosing which school to go to, but people are truly much more open because it is so much easier to explain things and open up to a camera rather than face-to-face with a real person. Another example of this opening of people today? The "Free Hugs Man!"


  1. Great job summarizing the videos. I agree with you completely. We as educators must realize that the future is now. It is extremely important for us to learn and understand technology. Technology is extremely important in todays world. It's great that you got to experience first hand how awesome technology is by communicating with the band memeber, good luck staying in contact with that line of opportunity!

    "The Machine is Changing Us', was a big eye opener for myself. Everything is ALWAYS changing, and I didn't realize how often is was changing until I watch this video. Youtube has certainly made people form their own opinions on matters. It is crazy to think how much youtube and other outlets have grown!

  2. Hey man, I really like the way you're talking about search engine use when it comes to homework and our lives. I think it's pretty unique to our generation, and I think it means we learn more too because we know how to seek out information and do it regularly, finding more then we would need for our homework offline.

  3. Aaron,

    You really have done a great job at watching these videos and relating them to your own experiences. It really is great to see how you connect what your learning because it allows your peers, the staff, and countless others to get real insight into the kind of guy you are, how you think, and what you are capable of contributing.

    Keep up the great work,

