Tuesday, November 2, 2010

C4T #3 Summary

Post #1:

In Lisa's post she blogs about easybib and how it has been added to the applications on Google Marketplace. She gives a few reasons why easybib is so great and especially now since you can now sign on through google. She has also embeded a youtube video showing what easybib can do. I commented by saying:

"Great post Lisa! I am glad to see that there are educators out there that like easybib. I have used it in the past and really liked the site. However, some professors are against students using easybib on assignments. I feel that by having it added to the Google Marketplace it says something about the site."

Post #2:

In the second post she talks about how the week before she was supposed to give a session on a tool that she had been using, she found out that the tool was about to be shut down. She ask if this has ever happened to anyone and what they did in that situation. I responded with:

"Hey Lisa,
Another great post Lisa! This post has really made me come to a major realization. What would I do if some of the important sites I used suddenly shut down? This semester I have used dropbox and other tools quite a bit. Obviously this has never happened to me before, but it is really something I should start thinking about. People really do need a Plan B in emergency situations.
Thank you for possibly saving my life from a possibly major technological situation."

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